A New Adventure

I know it’s been a while since I’ve bogged about any adventures, but I’m finally ready to share my next journey.  This actually isn’t the only trip I’ve taken since starting this blog during my time in Europe.  This past summer I went to Haiti and had the greatest experience of my life.  I didn’t blog about it since I was only there for a week and I didn’t have internet access, and then when I got back it was time to go crazy getting ready for my senior year of college.  Maybe I’ll fill you all in on that trip another time when I’m feeling nostalgic.  For now I’m just going to announce my upcoming adventure.

I’ll be going, very soon, for two weeks in… Israel!  I know there’s probably a lot of concern about safety and such but there is no need to worry.  I’m actually going as part of the Jewish National Fund’s Caravan for Democracy.  So there will be plenty of supervision and people working to make sure it is a very safe and fulfilling trip.  I’ll do my best to write a post each day when possibly and share lots of pictures to keep everyone up to date on this next adventure of mine.  Look for the first post right after Christmas.
