Drinks on Top of the World

Later Sunday night I met up with two friends who I actually met on my Israel trip last winter.  One is working in Hong Kong currently and the other was just passing through.  We had dinner and then went to the top of the Ritz Carlton to have drinks in the highest bar in the world, aptly named Ozone.  The view was incredible and my ears popped so many times in the elevator ride up. Also, as someone who doesn’t tend to frequent Ritz Carltons of the world I can’t say what it’s like in other cities, but this was by far the bougiest hotel I’ve ever been inside of… and we were SO under dressed.   A fancy man met us in the lobby and escorted us across to the elevator with a single giant button.   I felt like I shouldn’t touch anything for fear of leaving smudges from my peasant fingertips….
